Regular Keyword Research is the Key to Discovering Hidden Traffic Opportunities. Here’s How.
Here’s an interesting fact about our customers: A Keyword Tool Pro subscriber on average makes 600 keyword searches in a month (or 20 searches a day).
My question to you is – How often do you do keyword research?
The best keyword data-crunchers know that effective keyword research is like a marathon, not a sprint.
Did you know that in an interview with Bloomberg, a senior Google research scientist admitted that 15% of keywords that people enter into Google’s search box every day have never been seen by Google before?
In fact, another reputable source, Search Engine Land reported that Google processes about 5,500,000,000 (yes, it’s 5.5 billion) searches per day. It means that there are around 825 million brand new keywords appearing on Google every single day!
The Benefits Of Regular Keyword Research
We brush our teeth regularly to maintain proper dental hygiene. The same goes for our websites. If you wish to drive targeted, consistent traffic to your pages, you have to research new keywords on a regular basis and create fresh content targeting these keywords.
There’s literally no cap on the amount of traffic you can earn from Google or other search engines. By exploring new keywords every day, you can grow your website’s traffic, leads and sales.
We have built Keyword Tool Pro with one purpose in mind: to help you uncover hidden traffic opportunities. Lets look at some real-life examples of how you can use Keyword Tool Pro to find new keywords.
Trend Spotting With Keyword Tool Pro
Let’s say you’re doing keyword research for Football related articles.
From November 20th to December 18th, Fifa World Cup was held in Qatar, an event that attracts the attention of millions of people from all over the world.
You can see this yourself with the help of Keyword Tool data.
Keyword suggestions related to Fifa World Cup got almost 75 million searches, and that was in the span of 2 months since it’s a seasonal keyword.

Fast forward to January 2023 – you can see how sharply the search volume dropped.
It just shows how fast the search popularity can change even in one month.
Keyword Tool Pro can help you spot these sudden changes in search popularity, but only if you make an effort to do keyword research regularly.
Google Autocomplete Reveals Popular And Trending Terms
As mentioned earlier in this article, every day 15% of search terms are completely new to Google. Google Autocomplete (Keyword Tool Pro’s source of keyword data) updates itself with these new and trending terms on a daily basis.
How Google Autocomplete Works, According To Google:
Predictions are made based on factors, such as the popularity and freshness of search terms. According to Google, the search predictions that you see in Google autocomplete come from:
- The terms that you’re typing.
- Relevant searches you have done in the past (if you’re signed in to your Google Account and have Web & App Activity turned on).
- What other people are searching for, including Trending stories. Trending stories are popular topics e.g. in your area that change throughout the day. Trending stories aren’t related to your search history.
As you can see, just by searching on Keyword Tool Pro, you can tap into this invaluable vault of fresh keyword data. For trend-spotting, we recommend sorting your search results by “Keyword Ascending” instead of “Search Volume – High to low”. Very often, keywords starting to trend might not have the highest search volume.

How To Get Even More Trending Keywords For Your Next Keyword List
Earlier, we talked about how “Fifa World Cup” was a breakout search term in November and December 2022. If you want to find keywords like this, Google Trends is an amazing tool for spotting breakout or rising keywords.
According to Google Trends, a rising keyword means that popularity of the search term has grown tremendously in that given period. A breakout keyword means that its search volume has increased by over 5000%.
For example, let’s say you are in the arts and entertainment niche and operate in the United Kingdom.
Head over to Google Trends Explorer and customize your Google Trends settings based on your search requirements.
- Country: United Kingdom
- Time Range: Past 90 Days
- Category: Arts and entertainment

Google Trends will get you the latest trending search queries. From your search request, you can see that the search volume for the term “Paul O’Grady” grew by 4000%. To ride on this trend, you can put this keyword inside Keyword Tool to generate keyword suggestions for you.

Also, from Keyword Tool Pro (Plus and Basic plans) you can see the exact search volume for each month. As you can see, in March, there was a spike in searches.

This is consistent with the results in Google Trends for rising and breakout keywords.
You can use the long-tail (pun intended) keyword suggestions for “rusty spotted cat” to create targeted content for your subscribers, which are easier to rank for on Google.
Synonyms, A Great Way To Expand Your Keyword List Further
Running out of keyword ideas? You can use synonyms of your seed keyword as a great way to expand your keyword list and uncover new opportunities.
You’ll find synonyms and other semantic keywords in the ‘Related keywords’ section of Keyword Tool.

You can use synonym checker websites like to find close variants of your existing keywords for targeting. For example, “vacation”, “holiday” and “getaway” are closely related terms. By targeted synonym keywords, you can potentially double or even triple your traffic!
In summary, it’s without a doubt that there are so many keyword opportunities waiting to be discovered every single day. We recommend doing keyword research at least once a week, so you don’t miss out on new lucrative keywords within your niche.